general commission info

  • Every commission is defined by the time it takes to work on a request, not the exclusivity of the artwork. Separately, every serviced image is explicit property of Gristlepod, and licensed to commissioner (View Image Rights & Usage section).
  • Terms of service may change at any time. Slot holders will be informed of updated terms during queue.
  • All payments (USD) are taken through Ko-fi unless otherwise specified.
  • TAT for each piece will vary from a week to months, so put down deadlines upon discussion.
  • I accept price negotiations and offer alternatives to rejected requests.

digital paintings

  • $90 minimum rate, $200 max rate
  • +1 additional character: base rate + $50
  • Recommended for collectable art, website banners, concept art, album covers.
  • Point of interest: monsters, half body portraits.

before you order...

Composition sketch → Flat → Rendering
This is what the service process will look like.

Final price factors piece complexities. This could mean extra fees will be included for intricate details and complex angles, otherwise there may not be any extra fees at all.


quick digital sketch

  • firm base rate of $10
  • a quick sketch of virtually anything.
  • finished within 24 hours, most budget-friendly way to support me.

queue & payment

Payment upfront, or talk to me about a two payment arrangement. For two-payments, 50% upfront and 50% after delivery.

refund policy

Full refunds are issued if commissioned pieces haven't been started on record with visual proof. Anything after the composition sketch is invalid for refund.

image rights & usage

I reserve the right to post work-in-progress screencaps and finished works on my SNS (Social Network Service). By publishing or resharing my works, you agree to the following terms.

Gristlepod: creative label & service provider.
Work: media, design, or concept created by human.

Buyer Rights


submission guidelines


Character design, humanoids, reptiles, mammals, and anthropomorphics of the sort. Varying degrees of bloodshed n' mature terror.


Vehicles/machinery, and other types of anthropomorphics. I also offer Not-Safe-For-Work submissions, but please don't place orders before e-mailing me privately about details.

Not really interested in reference sheets, but open to them.


Public figures. Some requests involving real people may be declined. Requests of CSEM are blacklisted.