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Where I sell my stickers and prints.

... We're also on Etsy doing prop commissions for cosplayers.

Being situated in the US, international purchases may be subject to a list of countries our postal service is restricted to send to. Refunds are issued accordingly.

Shipment will take 1-3 days after placed order.

All stuff is home-manufactured and secured in salvaged packaging (recyclable plastic, envelopes, and absorbants). Our model focuses on self-sustainability and minimal third party support, and I encourage my backers and fellow creatives to follow suit.

personalized merch

Custom merch is a fusion service of commission and goods.

Read my terms and e-mail me your request with "custom" + physical-medium-of-your-choice in the subject line. If you already have a work from me that you want printed, feel free to ask about the shipping process.