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→ Reject Blockchains / Embrace HTML Mosaics

Table art is a (fairly outdated) graphic design technique done with HTML table containers by assigning inline background colors to each <td> wrapper.

You can recreate pixel sprites from your favorite games in your free time, immortalize pieces for your friends and strangers to see on the internet, or all at the same time. I learned how to do it through the infamous(?) "Sweaty Reisen HTML art" internet meme. Let's face it, the internet was never meant to be paywalled or scarce. If you've become disillusioned with blockchains, cryptocurrency, and bloat hogs, the re-era for HTML Mosaics are here.

HTML Mosaics That I Made

All my mosaics are public use. Do not try to copy+paste the code onto your websites or use it as profile decoration because the code is hellishly long.